Tagged: song

“All About The Benjamins”: embraced by the crowds, shunned by pundits

When I put out my song “All About The Benjamins” on X, I was pleasantly surprised: especially in the beginning, I was overwhelmed by the positive reactions. After a few hours, seeing this welcoming reception, I decided to set a goal of 1000 reposts. After a while, this high expection was contradicted by a perceived reluctance of high profile friends/followers...

New Doc Jazz song: Friendzone

It has been over a year! In fact: 2022 is the first year in a very long time that went without any new song release. There were a few covers, which were only released on the Facebook page. However, at the very beginning of this New Year, Doc Jazz is back with a new original! The new release is a...

Doc Jazz on Wordpress

‘Leaving it up to Fate’: dealing with Alzheimer’s

One of the songs on Doc Jazz’s new album, Leaving it up to Fate, is an expression of his emotions about dealing with the fact that his mother has fallen victim to Alzheimer’s disease. On his Facebook page, Doc Jazz recounts how he arrived at processing the trauma. He explains how this led to writing the song. “I will share...

Valentine (kind of) rhymes with Palestine

Valentine’s Day is taking the world by storm as a commercial celebration of romantic love. In its origins, it is a Christian religious celebration of a saint known as Valentinus. However, we live in the day and age of Capitalism as the dominant ideology. Many people around the world seem to have embraced it as their new religion. Consequently, Valentine’s...