Tagged: song

Music and emotion: a personal story

Music is a way to express human emotion, and most likely has existed in its basic form for as long as homo sapiens has been roaming this planet. It has been researched extensively; we know that listening to music has measurable effects on the human mind and body. It almost functions like a drug, which can be used in both...

Hip-Hop ondersteunt Palestijnse hongerstakers

door Sadika Arab, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd op Wijblijvenhier Ik schreef al eerder over Samer Issawi, die inmiddels al zover is dat hij maar liefst 200 dagen in hongerstaking is. De wilskracht waarmee hij zich tegen zijn onrechtmatige gevangenschap verzet, is typerend voor de volhardende houding van het Palestijnse volk onder de Israëlische bezetting. Ondertussen krijgt Samer wereldwijd steeds meer steun, zoals...

Hungry for Justice: why Palestinian hunger strikers matter

By Tariq Shadid – If you follow Middle East events through social media, you may have noticed that a good number of pro-Palestinian activists all around the world have embraced the cause of Palestinian hunger striker Samer Issawi, and are actively campaigning for his release via Twitter, petitions, and demonstrations. You may also have noticed that in sharp contrast to...