Tagged: songs

NEW: historical timeline of Doc Jazz’s Musical Intifada

The Musical Intifada has added a new feature to the website: a historical timeline powered by Dipity.com.   For those who are new to the website, it can provide a perhaps interesting insight into how things came about, and what brought us to where we are today.  

Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz comes back: new beginnings

If you are a regular visitor to my website, a member of my Facebook page, or a follower on Twitter, you may have noticed that my Musical Intifada project has gone through a period of relative silence. Well – I am back now, and I want to clarify a few things about what you can expect in times to come....

Cartoon of Doc Jazz by M. Ramadan

Tot 3 juni: alle muziek van Doc Jazz gratis!

Binnenkort reist Doc Jazz naar Nederland, waar hij zal optreden in Rotterdam op 1 Junie in De Unie. Uiteraard moet je hier bij zijn, zeker aangezien hij aangegeven heeft dat dit voorlopig de laatste keer zal zijn!   Om laag-drempelige toegang te verlenen aan hen voor wie zijn muziek nieuw is, zijn alle nummers tot 3 juni gratis te downloaden....

Cartoon of Doc Jazz by M. Ramadan

Doc Jazz songs for free until June 3!

Soon, Doc Jazz will be traveling to the Netherlands, where he will be performing in Rotterdam on June 1 in De Unie.   In order to enable those who are new to his music to have low-threshold access to his repertoire, all songs have been made available for free download until June 3!