Tagged: utrecht

Impressions from the Doc Jazz tour in the Netherlands

Doc Jazz has had an eventful week in the Netherlands and Belgium, with 4 performances, 3 radio appearances and an interview with a Dutch magazine, which all took place between May 13 and May 21. The performances were at fundraising events for causes relating to Palestine; the event in Brussels was aimed at collecting funds for the Askar refugee camp...

Doc Jazz Tour: Facebook Events

For the gigs of Doc Jazz’s tour in Belgium and the Netherlands, several Facebook events have been created. They are helpful because they provide a nice summary of the show, and keep you informed about date and time. Also, if you add yourself to such an event, your home screen on Facebook will often show you when the event is...

Programma van de Doc Jazz Lowlands Tour

Wat bedoeld was als een kort bezoekje aan Nederland – het land waar Palestijnse chirurg en muzikant Doc Jazz geboren en getogen is – is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een druk programma met optredens, interviews en radio optredens!   Hoe kon dit gebeuren? Tja het een leidde tot het ander … zo gaat het leven soms toch? Daarom, ondanks dat het...

Doc Jazz on tour in the ‘Lowlands’

What started out as a short visit to the Netherlands – which is the country where Palestinian surgeon and musician Doc Jazz was born and raised – ended up becoming quite a busy schedule with performances, interviews and radio appearances! How did this happen? Well, one thing led to another … isn’t that how life goes sometimes? Therefore, despite the...