Tagged: zionist

Normalization extravaganza: Palestinian artists at the ‘Israeli’ Oud festival

Normalization extravaganza: Palestinian artists at the ‘Israeli’ Oud festival

There are various degrees of what we call ‘normalization’. As indicated in a recent article at the Musical Intifada, in some exceptional cases it can even be described as ‘understandable’, or to a certain degree ‘acceptable’ if not entirely ‘inevitable’. However, at the opposite end of that spectrum there are displays of normalization that are completely uncalled for, and nauseatingly...

Palestine is Full of Heroes

By Tariq Shadid This article was originally published at the Palestine Think Tank and the Palestine Chronicle. Republished here because basically, nothing has changed. Although people in our modern times have been educated to believe that having the ‘right’ ideas, methods or ideologies is what causes revolutions, history teaches us that drastic changes usually happen when the majority of the...

Electronic Intifada: urgent appeal for your support

Electronic Intifada: urgent appeal for your support

The Electronic Intifada, an iconic web resource for the Palestinian cause, has issued an appeal to its readers for financial support, as it has come under attack from a prominent anti-Palestinian organization. The Musical Intifada supports this appeal, recognizing the importance of this unique and prominent pro-Palestinian website, and asks its visitors to help spread the appeal and to donate...

By Means of Deception

“By means of deception, thou shalt wage war”. This motto of one of the most notorious secret services in the history of mankind, the Israeli Mossad, in fact forms the essence of the strategy of the entire zionist entity, ever since its inception in 1948. The principle described above is more sacred to the strategists of zionism than even the...