Tools for your protests for Samer Issawi: t-shirt and poster
To enable you to express your support for Samer Issawi and the other Palestinian hunger strikers, we have made a few handy tools available for you. We hope that you are either in the process of organizing such a protest, or that you are at least thinking of doing so! Needless to say, the situation is urgent enough.
First of all, we have made the Free Samer Issawi poster available in a large poster-size format, and in 300 dpi resolution. If you have access to and finances for printing in color, you may want to download the full-color poster image, and have it printed! If this applies to you, download the poster here by right-clicking on this link, and selecting ‘save’ from the menu: Free Samer Issawi poster full color
Printing in color can be very expensive, and for this reason we have also created an optimized grayscale version of the same poster. If this is what you are looking for, right-click on this link and select ‘save’ from the menu: Free Samer Issawi poster Black and White (grayscale)
As you see, we have also made a t-shirt available in the Cafepress shop. Too bad we can’t offer that for free! However, if you are familiar with the pricing on Cafepress, you can see that we added no mark-up to what Cafepress charges for its ‘value t-shirt’ ($9.99), so we are not making any money out of this, nor do we have any intention to do so! All we want is to make this t-shirt available for those who are interested in having it. You can click here to order one.
Wearing this t-shirt is like protesting for Samer Issawi all day long!
We hope that making these things available is helpful to you, and that you will make use of them. In fact, that’s not even what we really want. All we want is for you to keep calling for his and the other Palestinian political prisoners’ freedom, in every way possible, whether you use these items or not!
Keep your protests going, and keep joining the twitter campaigns of the Free Samer Issawi Campaign, which take place every day at 3pm EST/7 pm GMT/ 9pm Palestine time on Twitter. Follow @samerissawi1 for the daily hashtag!
The Musical Intifada – in cooperation with the Free Samer Issawi Campaign

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