Tweep support for ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’


Al Jeel Al JadeedWelcome to the age of social media! And because these are the times we live in, it definitely matters what you do, say, or tweet.


I suddenly found out how you can embed tweets into website posts (silly me that I never researched that before, although I had seen it on other websites). I wanted to embed a whole collection here, but this didn’t work: in the embedded form, it would show a maximum of one embedded tweet. So, I changed it to the copy/paste method. A hassle, but it works.



In order to show you how much I appreciate your supportive tweets for my new song, I have decided to list them here in this new post. Many thanks to all the Tweeps who expressed their positive reception of the song, or empowered it with an original tweet.


Since I have only collected tweets that originated from Tweeps themselves (I did this by favoriting them), including ones that start with ‘RT’, but not the ‘automatic’ retweets, I am sorry if you feel left out. If that matters to you, just know that if I spot another original tweet with a positive vibe about the song, I will try to add it here!



15 Oct

MiamiSami ‪@Ibti‬

@docjazzmusic‬ Thank you for your amazing work! A musical message of peace, freedom, and unity. Beautiful! God bless you <3 ‪#FreePalestine‬

14 Oct
Abbas Hamideh ‪@Resistance48‬
Al Jeel Al Jadeed – by Doc Jazz – الجيل الجديد – دكتور جاز: Great music video by ‪@docjazzmusic‬! ‪ ‬ via ‪@youtube‬
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14 Oct
occupiedpalestine ‪@occpal‬
UNITY IS THE STANDARD! New song by ‪@docjazzmusic‬ End Division! ‪#AlJeelAlJadeed‬ Unites! Make it viral!! 🙂 ‪ …‬
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14 Oct
Aurelio ‪@aureliomiel‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ your music is a music therapy to Israel’s cancer
⌘ Expand

14 Oct
Aurelio ‪@aureliomiel‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ sounds good bro
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14 Oct
S. EL-Said {BDS} ‪@elsaidst‬
‪@occpal‬ ‪@docjazzmusic‬ pure admiration for Doc.

14 Oct
Dima Khatib أنا ديمة ‪@Dima_Khatib‬
RT ‪@docjazzmusic‬: Spanish translation of ‘A Jeel Al Jadeed’ – traducción en español ‪ …‬

14 Oct
صديقة ‪@Mika4palestine‬
“‪@docjazzmusic‬: Al Jeel Al Jadeed – Doc Jazz – الجيل الجديد – دكتور جاز: ‪ ‬ NEW song must see, must hear, must share!
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14 Oct
MiamiSami ‪@Ibti‬
English lyrics n CC Lil boy n hoodie can dance! Al Jeel Al Jadeed – Doc Jazz – الجيل الجديد – دكتور جاز: ‪ ‬ via ‪@youtube‬
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14 Oct
MiamiSami ‪@Ibti‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ I LOVE it! Great artist video and wonderful amazing lyrics..U Rock! I ‪#justknow‬ ‪@djkhaled‬ ‪@abuapparel‬ would enjoy this ❤

14 Oct
شو هاد يا زلمة؟ ‪@Palestinianism‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ This is officially stuck in my head lol. ba3d shwy I am going to make a cover of this song 😛

14 Oct
Anonymous ‪@Doemela
RT ‪@OpPinkPower‬: Al Jeel Al Jadeed – ‪@DocJazzMusic‬ – الجيل الجديد – دكتور جاز ‪ ‬ ‪ ‬

13 Oct
mirzaparker ‪@mirzaparker‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ great production ..funky Doc Jazz at his best ..

13 Oct
occupiedpalestine ‪@occpal‬
UNITY WE NEED!!!! Listen! Unite! Share! Infect! Get Viral;) Prescription by the doc! ‪@docjazzmusic‬ ‪ …‬
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13 Oct
Anonymous ‪@OpPinkPower‬
Al Jeel Al Jadeed – ‪@DocJazzMusic‬ – الجيل الجديد – دكتور جاز ‬

13 Oct
volksmenner ‪@volksmenner‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ Nice groove united w/ a great vision. Thanks for the subtitles. “And love is the only solution.” ‪#AlJeelAlJadeed‬

13 Oct
Mini عيد مبارك ‪@miniestmini‬
‪@docjazzmusic‬ tekram 3ynak. It’s so catchy. I love it.

13 Oct
Mini عيد مبارك ‪@miniestmini‬
Watch ‪@docjazzmusic‬’s great new song ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ & give it a thumbs up


Doc Jazz

Doc Jazz is a Palestinian musician, currently based in the United Arab Emirates. He was born and raised in the Netherlands, which is where he started his first musical endeavors. He works full-time as a surgeon, and produces his songs in his free time. He usually does all the instruments and vocals in his recordings by himself. His music, which covers a wide variety of genres ranging from funky pop and jazz all the way to rap and Arabic music, has been featured on many media outlets in the Netherlands, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. The Palestinian cause plays a big role in the themes of his songs.

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