Musical Intifada upgrades and redesigns website
It wasn’t by choice, which is why it happened unannounced and unexpected, but the Musical Intifada website has suddenly had to upgrade and redesign the site. The web host suddenly announced that they could no longer support websites built in Joomla 1.5, apparently due to some security issues. This meant that the website had to be upgraded to Joomla 2.5, or it could risk being removed from the server.
The website was definitely due for this upgrade, but unfortunately upgrading is not as straightforward a process as you may think, which meant that after the upgrade – which fortunately was successful – many of the features of the previous site had disappeared. Also, due to incompatibility of templates, the website had to be redesigned in a rush. During the upgrade and redesign, the website was taken offline for a few hours, but fortunately not for a long time.
In the coming days and weeks, attempts will be made to restore all the functions of the site. Most of these issues have already been addressed in the meantime. You can expect a few minor changes and additions, but nothing spectacular. It was rather unfortunate that the redesign process had to happen so swiftly, and it may be that improvements will take place in the coming time.
We thank our supporters for their patience and understanding, and hope that we can continue into 2014 with this new site, and live up to their expectations!
The Musical Intifada

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