Free song of the week: Why the Innocent
Every Friday, a different Doc Jazz songs is designated as ‘Free Song of the Week’ and can be downloaded without any payment. This week’s free song is ‘Why the Innocent’. It is a piano ballad, which was written immediately after the bombings of Amman on November 9, 2005, in which three hotels were targeted and 60 people were killed. Many people (115) were also injured in these senseless and inhumane attacks. Listen Download
This week, this song is dedicated to yet another senseless mass murder, namely the attacks on the Coptic church in Alexandria. It is unfathomable that such barbaric acts can take place, and there are indications that outside influences are responsible for committing this unforgivable crime. In both the cases of the bombings of Amman and Alexandria, I have strong suspicions that the Israeli intelligence services were behind these murders, which in no way serve either the cause of Islam or Arab nationalism and the struggle for liberation. Nevertheless, the lyrics of this heartfelt song are saying: IF indeed this is done by Arabs who think they are serving a cause, then why the innocent?
When I found out that Mustafa Akkad was among those killed in the Amman bombings, I was struck with grief, disenchantment and shock, and decided to dedicate this song to his memory. You can see his picture below. This amazing filmmaker was responsible for making the best film about Islam that was every distributed: ‘The Message‘. On that day, the world lost a man of incredible talent, and who had made a wonderful and lasting contribution to the cause of Islam.
The lyrics of the song are posted here below. I wish the people of Egypt, and the Coptic community in particular, strength and wisdom in dealing with this horrendous and unforgivable event. May Arab unity, and the historic bonds between our Muslim and Christian communities, remain undamaged by the cruel meddling of those who aim to sow discord in our ranks.
Why the Innocent – Doc Jazz
You’re telling me you’re tired of seeing crimes of hate
You’re telling me its time to turn the tide
Well you know that I agree that things have got to change
But I say there’s a way to do it right
You’re telling me you’re tired of seeing sorrow and pain
And that you want to stop injustice now
But tell me whats the use of paying hate with hate
Cause to me it seems that shouldn’t be allowed
If you believe that justice is a sacred thing
Then show us that you’re able to do right
Cause if you think this winter can be turned to spring
Well it doesn’t with the flames that you ignite
Why direct your anger at the weaker ones
They are not the ones who caused you pain
So why destroy their lives with your bombs and guns
Do you think the hurt you cause will be your gain
Why the innocent
Tell me why oh why
Why the innocent
Tell me why oh why
Why the innocent
Why the innocent
You can never win by causing more pain
So my heart goes out to all who were slain
Breaking mother’s hearts is simply insane
Cause when the tears are gone the anger remains
And the cycle starts all over again ….
Copyright 2005 Doc Jazz

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